Carmel School, Churamanpur, Buxar, Bihar
In 2007, the Bishop of Buxar, Rev. William D’Souza S.J. had an idea of starting an English medium school in the historical town of Buxar, Bihar. He approached the Apostolic Carmel sisters to open one such school. The same year, the first batch of four sisters arrived from Patna with Sr. Promodini as sister in charge of the Convent and Sister Felice in charge of the school. The two other pioneers were sisters Alice and Emerentia. The new school was opened in the Syndicate area in a small rented house where only a few children could be accommodated. In 2010, the school was shifted to its newly constructed building at Churamanpur village, 9 kms away from the Buxar town. For the next three years Sister Renisha headed the school and worked hard to make it a place where the students could learn and speak fluent English. In 2013, Sister Flavian took charge as the Principal. Subsequently, year by year one class was added – the school started its journey to become a High School from a primary one. The building was extended, class rooms were added- more and more students, both boys and girls, sought admission – making it to today’s strength of 900. In 2016, the school got the affiliation from the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi. The first batch of students will appear for ICSE in 2018.
Carmel School, Churamanpur, Buxar, Bihar Estd. in 2007
Ph. No : 09661834936
Email : carmbxrsch@gmail.com
Website : www.carmelschoolbuxar.org
Year of Establishment :
Address : Carmel School
Churamanpur Village & Post
Buxar – 802 116 , Bihar
Aided/ Unaided : Unaided
Status :
K.G., I to X
Affiliated : The Council for Indian School
Certificate Examinations,
New Delhi
 Manager : Sr. Mira A.C
 Principal : Sr. M. Sharel A.C.