Carmel Convent, Bhopal - 2013
Carmel Convent, Bhopal, started on 13 June, in the year 2013, in a small house, with 3 sisters, Sister Kirti, as Sister-in- charge. The existing Convent was given over by Holy Cross Sisters, as they left for good and the Apostolic Carmel Sisters took charge of the Convent and School. Sister Lily D’souza A.C., our present Provincial Superior, under the able guidance and far sighted vision of Sister Lily D’Souza A.C., our present Provincial Superior with the Jesuit Provincial Fr. Boniface Panna S.J. of Madhya Pradesh Province, invited us to work in collaboration with the Jesuits in running of the Primary Section of Campion School, Bhopal. Blessing of the convent took place on 16 June, 2013 by the Superior Fr. Placidous S.J., Sisters Valsa and Rashmi were present in helping the sisters to settle down in the new house. Sisters paid a visit to his Grace Most Rev. Leo Cornellio, SVD, the Archbishop of Bhopal and handed over to him the letter from our Provincial Superior Sister Lily D’Souza, informing him of our first arrival in his Arch diocese and also for starting our new mission of working in collaboration with the Jesuits in Campion School, Bhopal. He graciously welcomed the sisters.
From June 2013, to May 2015, Sister Kirti A.C was in charge of the convent and was Headmistress of the Campion School. From May 2015, to May 2017, Sister M. Malar A.C took charge of the convent and was Headmistress of the Campion School. In 2017 Sister Chitra A.C took charge of the convent with Sister Pramila A.C., as Headmistress. The spiritual needs were met by the Jesuits of Madhya Pradesh.