Carmel Convent, Birabhanti - 1971

Carmel Convent, Birabhanti - 1971
Carmel Convent, Birabhanti

It was on 29 June, 1971 that our first mission in the Diocese of Banaras was opened with great enthusiasm and zeal. Sister Bernard, our Provincial Superior and Sister Blanda arrived here at about 8 p.m. Our sisters had to stay in the Priest’s house for 15 days, as the convent was not yet ready. His Lordship Bishop Patrick D’Souza, blessed the house on 2 July, 1971. There was a big gathering of priests and sisters and other well wishers to mark the occasion. There was great rejoicing at the arrival of the A.C sisters at Birabhanti. The joy of our Bishop specially, knew no bounds, his dream of having the Apostolic Carmel sisters in his diocese was realized and that too, to work in the mission in the remote area of Birabhanti had been fulfilled.

Sister Hiltrude the first Superior was one of the stalwarts who worked selflessly for the development and progress of the Birabhanti mission. With her untiring zeal and deep faith in God she contributed significantly in every area, especially by giving her best time and energy to improve the Primary School. Some of our convents helped generously by sharing clothes, stationary and other articles. The sisters of St. Mary’s, Gorakhpur, considered Birabhanti as their own for some time and gave every assistance to our sisters by their frequent visits and sharing of good things.

Sister Honoria was the next who took up charge, on 30 June as Superior. During her term of office she saw that the sisters carried out their responsibilities in the house, the dispensary and the boarding house as well as the parish. We are proud to mention the number of conversions that took place among the people here. Nearly 800 people were baptised during these three years being the highest number among all the Mission stations of Varanasi Diocese. But it is sad that the dispensary had to be closed on 20 November, 1976, for lack of personnel. When Fr. Laurent left for Canada, in September, 1976, two sisters of S.R.A carried on the work for two months. There was no substitute for Sister Concessa when she was transferred.

Our Birabhanti Mission has really been a challenge for us. Many of our sisters suffered from ill health because of climatic conditions. A few had to undergo surgery and undergo treatment in Holy Family Hospital, Patna, Mau and other places. But nothing stopped them from fulfilling their obligations

After the arrival of our sisters in Birabhanti, the school began to make progress. The Primary School was upgraded in July, 1972, with class VI and in July, 1973 with class VII. The strength of the students considerably increased within three years from 294 to 423. More and more sought admission as they began to realise the importance of education especially received in a mission school.

The Silver Jubilee of our Carmel Convent Birabhanti, was celebrated on the 29 June, 1996. Our Bishop was invited to be the main celebrant. We had a very simple celebration. Our Provincial Superior, Sister Mena D, Silva and Sister Marie Therese were with us. The Golden Jubilee celebrations of the parish, which were held on 22, November, it was a golden opportunity for the people of Birabhanti Parish.

Our main apostolate has been to impart knowledge through education and to bring an all round development of the children, in our school and boarding house The school has made steady progress because of the hard labour of our sisters who paid special attention to the poor and the backward children. On 1 June, 2016, we took full charge of the hostel.

The superiors of Carmel Convent Birabhanti have been Sisters Hitrude, Honoria, Ethel, Maria Carmela, Emerentia, Dorinda, Apolonia, Felice, Marie Jane, Marianna with Shanti Masih being the present superior.