Carmel Convent, Lohardaga - 1999
The Apostolic Carmel sisters were invited by the Archbishop Rev. Telesphore P. Cardinal Toppo of Ranchi, to help in the running of an English medium school. The school is named as Lievens Academy after the great missionary Fr. Constance Lievens, who worked zealously for the uplift of the adivasis.
It was in 1999 when Sister Marie Therese, the then Provincial Superior had come for the visitation of Carmel Convent, Ranchi, that the Archbishop of Ranchi, Most Rev.Telesphore P. Toppo had made a verbal request to her, to help out, in the running of an English medium school at Lohardaga for the Archdiocese of Ranchi. At the time of his request the Archdiocese of Ranchi did not have any English medium school.
The need for a good English medium school at Lohardaga was felt by the Indalco company. Due to lack of education for their children, the officers were refusing to accept posting to this place. Hence it was the company that had made the request to the Archbishop to begin the English Medium school.
The Archbishop, Most Rev. Telesphore P. Toppo sent a letter dated 7.3.1999 inviting the A.C. sisters to take up the mission at Lohardaga. In February, 1999, Sisters Marie Therese, Amanda, Ethel and Harriet went along with Father David Bara, the Vicar General to see the place at Lohardaga previously arranged by the Archbishop of Ranchi. Sister Marie Therese discussed the proposal with the Superior General, Sister Vincent A.C., and sent her the application. During the second visit of Sister Marie Therese to Lohardaga, an agreement was drawn up and given to the Archbishop. On 27 April 1999, the agreement was made with the Archbishop of Ranchi to begin a new mission at Lohardaga. The inauguration of the new school was on 1 May, 1999. Sisters Marie Therese and Harriet were present for the function. Fr. Thomas Powathil, the Founder and Director of the School and the Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel, known for their dedicated service to the youth, took up this venture.
The pioneers were Sister Consuela Sister- in - charge, Sisters Marie Zelie, Harriet and Ria. At the beginning the sisters stayed at the Ursuline convent hospital community and later on in the Parish house Kiamo, Patratoli. The school started with 51 students in the parish campus from Nursery to class V. The new school building was inaugurated in 2002 at Kutmu, Lohardaga and the Convent on 21 February, 2004. Divya Jyothi, the staff residence, was also a separate portion set aside for the teachers and it was connected to the convent.
The zeal of our then Provincial Superior, Sister Marie Therese and the sisters to work for the Diocese has continued to spread through complete service to the students, staff and the people around. The school which started with 51 students increased in strength to 1411. Fr Thomas the Administrator and the Principal, is our great support for the spiritual as well as the other needs of the community and the mission.
It is God’s grace and providence that we have experienced everyday through our spiritual exercises, Holy Eucharist, and the community, to carry on this apostolate.
We the sisters work together in collaboration with the Administrator cum Principal, for the betterment of the staff, students and the people.