Message from the Provincial Superior

Sister Maria Reema A.C.


Welcome to the website of the Northern Province of the Apostolic Carmel! The Northern Province is comprised of the States of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh with two study houses in Karnataka State.

Venerable Mother Veronica, our beloved Foundress, had heard a call to start a “Carmel for the Missions” and she being very obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, founded the Apostolic Carmel in Bayonne, France in 1868. The first band of sisters arrived in Mangalore, India, on November 19, 1870.

During the course of 153 years, the Congregation has grown, spreading its branches far and wide. The Sisters of the Northern Province with its Charism, ‘God Alone Suffices’ , have reached out to all sections of society of every caste and creed through education, social and other apostolic ministries sharing God’s love with all.

We are happy to give you a few glimpses of the life and mission of our sisters through the website of the Northern Province. The Master is calling and invites you to collaborate in his glorious mission , for He says in Mt.9: 37 ‘ The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few’. Will you hearken to His clarion call? Then come along and join us in spreading the Good News to all, especially to the poor and the needy.

God Bless you!

Sister Maria Reema A.C.
Provincial Superior