Sacred Heart Convent, Jamshedpur
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” said Mr. Nelson Mandela.
The Apostolic Carmel Sisters were invited, 72 years ago to Tata Steel City, by the Catholic citizens of Jamshedpur, namely Mr. Rebello, Mr. J. D’Costa, and Mr. Domingo, to provide quality education to girls. It is gratifying to note that from its initial humble beginnings with improvised classes in 1945, the school has grown to what it is today with a strength of 2215 students ranging from K.G. up to ICSE and ISC level; Sacred Heart School now has the NIOS facilities for the weaker students, a Literacy Project for the slum children, a Community College and a Tailoring Centre for the school dropouts and for the empowerment of women respectively.
We thank God Almighty for the foresight and vision of Mother Josephine, the then Superior General, Mother Theodosia, Superior of Avila Convent, Patna, who were met by Mr. J.R.D. Tata, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tata Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. These expressed their desire to have a Convent and were ready to give their full co-operation. Sister Cleopha was the first Superior with her community of 5 sisters Marianna, Angelica, Violette and Leonice. These were met by the Catholic representatives of the town and were led to a well furnished house at Beldih Triangle, Jamshedpur. On 19 January, 1945, Sacred Heart of Jesus took possession of His new home. The First Mass was celebrated on this day.
In September 1946, the Tatas leased the Apostolic Carmel sisters 3.489 acres of land for 20 years, initially, and 1.380 acres for a playground, paying a nominal rent of Rs. 2 per annum. Admissions came pouring in as the quality of education imparted to the children was well recommended. The numbers rose steadily and in 1947, the boys left for Loyola school. On 12 June, 1952, a majestic looking school building, flanked by a lush green lawn and garden surrounding it along with a well-equipped playground was blessed by His grace, Archbishop Perier of Calcutta. The first batch of ISC students were presented and they brought glorious results.
The Principals and Superiors, our Guiding Lights of Sacred Heart School, viz.: Sister. Cleopha 1945-48; Sister Mary Joan from 1948- 1952; Sister Mary Denise 1955- 1958; Sister Mary Digna from 1958-1961; Sister Vera from 1961 -1966; Sister Veronique from 1966-1972; 1978-1981; Sister Yvette from 1972-1973; Sister Anne from 1973-1974; Sister Marie Eugene from 1974-1978; Sister Norella from 1981-1986; Sister Flavian from 1986– 1998; Sister Teresita Mary from 1998 – 2014; and Sister Mridula from 2014 till date with Sister Marie Eugene as Superior from 2015, have fulfilled down the years their responsibilities splendidly The stability of the staff, their concientious and cooperative work, as well as the ambition of the students, have made the cent-percent passes in the annual public examinations a regular feature !
The school continues to bag a variety of awards for excellence in Education and has epitomized the balanced pursuit of academics with extra- curricular activities in a highly value-based and disciplined atmosphere. Sacred Heart School has made a gigantic mark in the Steel City leading the students to launch out into a challenging world with integrity and a spirit of service which will contribute to the transformation of society upholding spiritual and moral values.