St. Joseph’s Convent, Hazaribag
St. Joseph’s Convent had its beginning in the year 1949, with the first meeting held on 14th March, 1949, at the residence of Rai Sahib S.N Sahay, Retd. Deputy Collector of Hazaribag. Mother Sylvia, Superior General; Sister M. Agnes, Asst. General; Sister M. Theodosia, Superior of Avila Convent; Father E. De. Meulder S.J., Parish Priest and Mr. R. G. Prasad, Secretary of Bihar Girl’s School, were present for the meeting. Mgr. Sevrin D.D., Bishop of Ranchi, welcomed the sisters of the Apostolic Carmel and gave them his wholehearted support and blessings.
The sisters arrived on 15 June, 1949, from Avila Convent, Patna and lodged in a parochial house with 7 good rooms, kitchen and adjoining rooms. In September, 1949, the sisters shifted to the church building. On 14 July, 1949, classes began with 37 students on roll.
St. Joseph’s Convent was steeped in history and in God’s mysterious ways….it encased a historical past. In the year 1860, a fine church was built for the Catholic soldiers. In 1866, the first Jesuit Novices were received in India. In 1882 at the time of the suppression of the Order, this was the only Novitiate of the Jesuits, hidden away in the hills of Bihar.
The presence of the Apostolic Carmel sisters also fostered faith in and around Hazaribag. Many were baptized and received into the Catholic Church. In 1950, the parochial house was given to the boarders after a few alterations. In November, 1954, Dhanbad was opened as a filial house of St. Joseph’s, Hazaribag. In January, 1971, the Novitiate was opened, with the first batch of 14 Novices under the care of Sister Beatrice. The novitiate had to be closed in 1974. It was again opened with 12 novices in 1994 with Sister Serena as the Novice Directress. Carmel Teacher Centre, an institute for training and research was opened to train teachers for the free school and primary classes. At Hazaribag the two schools functioned simultaneously; Carmel Girl’s High School, affiliated to the Jharkhand Academic Council; and Carmel School, affiliated to the CISCE (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination). Carmel School got the permanent affiliation on 16 June 2017.
Undoubtedly, the presence of the Apostolic Carmel sisters in Hazaribag has made a difference in the lives of the people and especially the children who enter the portals of Carmel to be a beacon of hope to the society.